Archives for November, 2008

New team leaders

AMe LogoAs we start to gear up for the 2008 awards, we are revisiting some of our structures and awards. As part of our efforts to ensure we support both games equally well, it gives me great pleasure to announce two team leaders, one for each game.

For Neverwinternights 1: Tybae
For Neverwinternights 2: Sirchet

Both Tybae and Sirchet have been dedicated members of the AME team for some time, and this recognises their passion and leaderhsip.

At the same time we are also recruiting for the new season. Are you interested?

RP AwardToday we have an interview with Andarian, winner of the Best Roleplaying Golden Dragon award for NWN1 with Sanctum of the Archmage 2: The Miracle Worker – Act I. Andarian was pipped to the post in the previous year – we find out how it feels to grab the award this time around, and whether knowing what goes on behind the scenes makes it sweeter… or not.

Check it out!


About AME

The AME (Academy for Modding Excellence) is a group... for Neverwinter Nights.