Archives for April, 2009

NWN1 GDA Finalists Podcast!

From Tybae, Vice-Chairman of the Academy for Modding Excellence

The Academy for Modding Excellence and The Only NWN Podcast have teamed up to announce the finalists for the 2008 NWN1 Golden Dragon Awards. For those of you who don’t know, the NWN Podcast has recently been streaming the host recordings of their shows. The AME has asked the Podcast if we could stream the finalists on their scheduled recording night and they have agreed. On Tuesday May 12 at 7:00pm PDT (UTC-8) Andarian and I will announce the finalists for the 2008 Golden Dragon Awards and Ashercon and Skunkeen will be the representatives from the Podcast team. To find out how to listen, please visit their forum page here. You will need some kind of media player that can stream from a URL. Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, etc.

In addition to that, the NWN Podcast has an irc chatroom on You can drop by the chatroom to ask questions, comment or just chat with whoever shows up on May 12th. Liso will be manning (womanning) the chatroom fielding questions and giving them to Andarian and I at the end of the announcements so we can answer as many as we can in the time allowed.

So save the date and drop by to find out who the finalists will be for The 2008 Golden Dragon Awards!

To discuss the NWN1 GDA Finalists Podcast, please feel free to visit our forums here.

A New AME Chairman and Vice-Chairman

I am sorry to announce that Ben Wynniatt-Husey, who has led the AME since October of 2007, has decided to step down from his position as AME Chairman. Ben’s adept guidance was instrumental in helping the AME to realize its founding dream of honoring the talented builders of the NWN community with a serious set of awards. His tireless leadership and innovative ideas were a tremendous asset to our team, and I believe that I speak for all of our membership when I say that I would like to sincerely thank him for everything that he has done to make the Academy for Modding Excellence a success. Thanks, Ben!

Ben will be retaining his AME membership, and still participating in some of our work in this year’s awards cycle. After a call for volunteers and a vote, I’m pleased to announce that the AME membership has elected me (Andarian) to serve as the AME’s new Chairman, and Tybae to serve as our new Vice-Chairman.

I’ve noticed that we’ve had a fair amount of traffic to the site recently, which I hope indicates that people are starting to check it to see if we’re ready to make any announcements yet. We haven’t had time to update the front page recently, so I just want to let everyone know that we’re still working hard on our awards! We’re just finishing the nominations phase for the NWN1 awards now, and should be in a position to start announcing the finalists fairly soon. Our NWN2 nominations phase is still ongoing, and the NWN2 finalists will be announced a little later in the year. We’re also still actively recruiting new members for the NWN2 awards, so if you’d be interested in volunteering to help us, feel free to drop me a PM on our forums. 🙂

Thanks for your attention, and good gaming!


Chairman, The Academy for Modding Excellence


About AME

The AME (Academy for Modding Excellence) is a group... for Neverwinter Nights.