The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the winner of the NWN2 2009-2010 Best Roleplaying Module Award!

NWN2 2009-10 Best RPG: The Maimed God’s Saga by Tiberius209

In The Maimed God’s Saga you get the chance to play a cleric of Tyr, the Faerunian god of justice. Answering a call for help from one of the church’s devotees in a remote village, you become involved in a dark and twisted plot that will take you from the most radiant cities to the harshest wilds.

The Maimed God’s Saga includes some unique gameplay additions, such as praying in order to commune with Tyr and spellcasting through conversation. These and other interesting features increase the roleplaying value of the module and make the player feel like he or she is really walking the path of a true divine champion.

Congratulations to Tiberius for winning the award!

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