Archives for February, 2014

The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the winner of the NWN2 2009-2011 Most Replayable Module Award!

NWN2 2009-11 Most Replayable Module: Dark Waters by Adam Miller

Dark Waters is a series of three modules set in a customised world made up of a series of islands. The full version released in 2009 includes the third and final chapter of the saga and integrates it with the first two.

Littered with inventive scripting, custom content, interesting side quests and mini games there is plenty to keep the player coming back to this campaign, indeed the side diversions can, at times, keep the player from progressing the modules main story line. The story starts out very linear in construction but soon opens out allowing the player to engage in a more sand box style play. This is particularly the case with the bucaneering system allowing the PC to sail the seas in search of treasure and adventure.

The combination of a strong story, interesting npc’s and an ample serving of in game diversions in the form of mini games, makes this a worthy winner of the award for the most replayable module 2009 – 2011.

Congratulations to Adam for winning the award!


About AME

The AME (Academy for Modding Excellence) is a group... for Neverwinter Nights.